Privacy Policy


We are committed to protecting the privacy of patient information and to handling your personal information responsibly, in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988, the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW). This policy outlines how we manage, collect, use, disclose, and protect your personal information, and how you can access, correct, and complain about the handling of your information.

Policy Review Date: This policy is current as of 23/June/2024 and is reviewed annually. Updates will be available on our website and in the practice.

Collection of Information

We collect information necessary for providing medical care and managing our practice. This includes:

  • Personal details: name, address, date of birth, email address, phone numbers, Medicare number
  • Medical history
  • Notes from medical consultations
  • Referrals to other health service providers
  • Results and reports from health service providers
  • Information for billing purposes

Information is collected through various means such as phone, written forms, in person, or online. Information may also be collected by medical and non-medical staff. In emergency situations, information may be collected from relatives or friends. We may also collect information from other health providers, including general practitioners, specialists, radiologists, pathologists, hospitals, and the MyHealth record system, if required.

Use and Disclosure of Information

Your personal information is treated as strictly private and confidential. It is used or disclosed only for purposes directly related to your care and treatment, or for practice management. This includes:

  • Sharing relevant information with other healthcare providers (e.g., GPs, specialists)
  • Administrative and billing purposes within the practice
  • Legal requirements (e.g., reporting to Medicare, police, or regulatory bodies)

We may disclose information to third-party contractors (e.g., IT service providers, solicitors) who are bound by confidentiality agreements. Your information may also be disclosed to third parties for research purposes in a de-identified format.

Information collected may also be used to assist in contact you regarding your medical enquiry and may be used for promotional purposes to inform you regarding our new services and updates with our clinics. Your information is not released to any other third-party vendors for advertisement purposes.

Overseas Transfer of Data

Your personal information will not be transferred overseas unless required by law.

Data Quality and Security

We take reasonable steps to ensure your personal information is accurate, complete, and up-to-date. Security measures include:

  • Securing our premises
  • Password-protected databases
  • Locked cabinets and rooms for physical records

Access and Correction

You are entitled to request access to your medical records. Requests should be made in writing, and we will respond within a reasonable time. There may be a fee for retrieving and providing copies of records. Access may be denied in certain circumstances (e.g., if it poses a serious threat to your health). You will be informed of the reasons and your options.

If you believe the information we hold is incorrect, incomplete, or outdated, please contact us in writing.


If you have a complaint about the privacy of your personal information, we request that you contact us in writing. Upon receipt of a complaint we will consider the details and attempt to resolve it in accordance with our complaints handling procedures.

Anonymity and Pseudonyms

You have the option to deal with us anonymously or under a pseudonym, except where impracticable or where identification is required by law.


For queries, complaints, or requests for access to medical records, please contact us :

Mobile : 0403183808